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The Cumbalum Resident’s Association Incorporated (CRA) is an officially registered association that represents the people from the communities of Ballina Heights Estate and Summerhill Crescent and Banyan Hill. CRA members are residents from these communities from various backgrounds (cleaners, carpenters, teachers, lawyers, nurses, physiotherapists, gardeners, doctors, accountants, engineers, etc) who come together to discuss and implement needed changes in the area – all done on a voluntary basis.


The philosophy and approach of the CRA are to offer a safe and respectful space for members of the community to express themselves and to work together in the best interest of all, in a harmonious way.

Originally established in 2012 by Dr. Gregory Unwin, the unregistered group was called the Ballina Heights Residents Action Group, however with the expansion of the community over the years the name change was instigated to allow a further reach and inclusion of the growing community. This followed with the more recent registration of the group in December 2018 as an Incorporated Association to allow for a more solid establishment and further growth.

The CRA is a community group run on a voluntary basis by the residents of Cumbalum. At the meetings several hot topics are discussed and have included the following:

  • Highway Interchange Issues (such as missing on/off ramps, emergency access routes for flooding)

  • Flooding of access roads in and out of the Estate (roundabout off highway, Deadman's Creek Road)

  • Lighting of the intersection of Deadman's Creek Road and Tamarind Drive

  • Connecting road from North Ballina through to West Ballina potentially through Flathead Lane

  • Development of new areas in Cumbalum and infrastructure issues


To learn more about these issues and other issues that the CRA has faced over the years, h​ead over to our NEWS page which contains articles that will offer you background information and keep you informed on relevant community news.  

The CRA generally runs community meetings about once every two months, with an AGM scheduled a few months after the end of the financial year. Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings and does not have to be a member as such to attend, however only financial members are allowed to vote on matters and put forwards motions for the association to act upon. 

To join and become an active member, an application form must be submitted with an application fee and an annual membership fee for the duration of the fiscal year (July to June). Any membership applications are reviewed by the committee made up of the office bearers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer).


There are 2 tiers of memberships: (1) Annual Active Membership and (2) Annual Supporting Membership. The Annual Active Membership is suitable for those who would like to attend meetings and take a more active role in terms of voting on matters and putting forwards motions for consideration. The Supporting Membership fee is suitable for those who would like to support the CRA financially or otherwise, but may not necessarily attend meetings and this tier of membership does not allow for voting on matters nor putting forwards motions for consideration. Both membership tiers will receive the minutes and agendas for each of the meetings by email following each of the meetings to keep you updated on the latest progress. 


Current Membership Fees (non-refundable):

  •  Joining fee: $5 (a one off payment when joining)

  • Annual Active Membership fee: $20 per year for the fiscal year July-June

  • Annual Supporting Membership fee: $10 per year for the fiscal year July-June

Note these fees may be subject to change at any point. 


See below to meet the team of office bearers. 

Cumbalum Residents Association Strategic Plan

CRA Objectives

The committee’s objectives are to connect, hear and represent the community with regards to stakeholder issues and concerns and to seek an equally respectful resolution where possible.


Note that it is not the committee’s role to resolve disputes between neighbours nor to become involved with an individual dispute with a major stakeholder.

Our Mission

CRA Roles & Responsibilities

The committee’s roles include putting into place processes to resolve broad community issues with appropriate stakeholders in order to support the community (people and the area) to grow, evolve and expand its quality.

The committee can claim to be responsible (reasonably so), and with accountability, for the following:

  • Building awareness and being available for discussions

  • Raising issues with stakeholders

  • Facilitating issue outcomes

We Need Your Support Today!


The CRA currently has four main office bearers:

  • The President: Marshall Chang

  • Vice President: Alan Veacock

  • Secretary and Treasurer: Henrietta Chang

This core team is subject to change at the AGM held each year when the office bearers positions are declared vacant and then the candidates are voted in by the members of the CRA.

All ordinary members (non office bearer members) play an equally important role with the CRA with their various contributions and support to the team and are invaluable to the smooth running of the group. 

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