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Caring for our Companion Animals - Cats and Dogs

The Cumbalum Residents Association (CRA) have been pondering ways to help care for our companion animals (cats and dogs) and keep them safe.

The RSPCA recommends that the best way to care for cats, protecting them from dogs, from cars and from disease, is to keep your cat(s) contained on your own property twenty-four hours a day. Not only does this protect the cats, but it also protects birds and other animals too. All cats are naturally predators and collectively kill about one million birds, reptiles and small mammals each year. Research shows that cats don’t always bring home their kill and that all cats given the chance will hunt and kill.

Did you know that all residents of Ballina Shire will find a covenant included in the purchase documents for the property which stipulates that cats must be securely kept inside the house from 6pm to 6am every day.

Dogs need care too and should be secured on your property (this means fenced in and not free to roam around outside of your property). And when walked, dogs must be on a leash, except when accessing off-leash areas.

The CRA is advocating for more dog off-leash areas to allow dogs to exercise freely. Of course, it is super important that owners act responsibly and collect and dispose of dog poo in their own bins. Non-collection of dog poo encourages not only weed growth but may also spread disease through the cats and dogs that encounter it. Children and adults accessing parks where dogs are allowed off lead deserve to play in areas that are clean and free of dog poo.

Many of us receive so much joy from our companion animals and we owe it to them to keep them safe by following these simple procedures. They can’t do it themselves.



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