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Expanding Developments but Limited Infrastructure - an Ongoing Debate

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

Most areas of Ballina have reached the limit of their potential for expansion. However, Cumbalum and adjoining land (such as Ballina Heights & Banyan Hill) are experiencing continuous expansion with residential developments consistently happening. There are rising concerns that the current existing infrastructure is not adequate and will not be able to support these expansions.

Basic physical and organisational structures and facilities are the foundation of a well functioning community and society. There are key challenges that must be met to ensure that the right infrastructure is in the right place at the right time and that approvals processes support the delivery of projects in ways that ensures the viability of the development whilst still ensuring that the people and the community are well supported, respected and looked after, recognising the importance of avoiding, remedying or mitigating environmental effects.

The CRA has valid concerns - that the current pre-existing estates and residential areas are already lacking the appropriate support of foundational community infrastructure.

And now with the major developments currently under way and future ones yet to be rolled out, we have as yet to see any consideration to this situation. It is of utmost importance to ensure the safety, respect and care of the already existing residents as well as the new residents to come. It is a well known fact that poor infrastructure can cause major issues down the track.

Consider that currently, in Banyan Hill (the newer estates of Cumbalum) numerous small lots are currently being sold at high prices. One would expect that such revenues would generate adequate funds for developers to provide respective community amenities. With the increasing number of residents in this area that already has limited entrances and exits to the estate, compounded by the lack of a retail centre, and the existing community hall denied to the majority of residents, we can see more clearly some of the ongoing issues that present. Economic growth and community health relies on quality infrastructure. Such important infrastructure details cannot be ignored because of the increased risk of the following issues, as examples:

  • Safety - Cumbalum has only 2 entrance/exit roads into this estate which currently houses over 3000 residents. Both of these roadways are prone to flooding during heavy rain and high tides. Possible lack of access of emergency vehicles during these times is of particular and grave concern.

  • Social issues - Most residents are denied access to the existing community centre. This is a major lack for such a large residential population.

  • Other infrastructure Issues - such as shortcuts in NBN provision to existing areas of Cumbalum and installation of fibre to the node rather than fibre to the curb.

Low quality infrastructure can also lead to unpredictable problems and issues that are much harder to manage.

The CRA (and its predecessor organisation the Ballina Heights Residents Action Group - BHRAG) has presented this issue, and put several motions to Ballina Shire Council demanding that developers secure lessees for land for the commercial/retail facilities first and foremost before further developments are permitted. As we know, the commercial/retail facilities have been promised to residents for numerous years now (well over 6 years) with no action to date (see the News Section Article on Cumbalum Shopping Precinct and Village Square). Furthermore, since 2008 and possibly earlier, residential blocks have been and are still being sold currently with the promise of 'the commercial development coming soon' as a draw card. 

We are aware that Ballina Shire Council wants to put pressure on the developers but it lacks the legal authority to do so. The DA covering the developments is still very much current and valid and so it is likely that there will be no cessation of development work accordingly.

This of course is a major concern for all residents as there appears to be a lack of respect for the current and future needs of the community.

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